In this space I offer you somewhere to be your whole self for the time that is right for you. Free of judgment, agenda or shame. you are invited to delve into yourself seeking gifts of renewal. Dive into the darkness so that the gold hidden there may reveal itself.
Shadow Work is a way to bring your true self out of shadow and into the light. When we bring parts of ourselves that we may have hidden, suppressed or denied into conscious awareness we can reclaim the power and energy locked in those inner dynamics. Shadow Work is a way of transforming parts of your character that you'd like to change with compassion and understanding and offers an effective technology for balancing these diverse parts.
Shadow Work includes a set of facilitated processes that allow individuals to explore and change almost any behaviour pattern. Shadow Work is especially devoted to providing a setting that allows people to explore and evolve themselves safely, choice-fully and without pressure from the facilitator. Based on a synthesis of ancient and modern tools Shadow Work uses a four-directional "map of the mind" to identify and process your "shadows." Shadow Work is a personal growth process that brings your hidden powers out of the shadow and into the light.
We all have these hidden powers within us. But we don't always allow ourselves to use them. We have all been hurt, and we have learned to hide parts of ourselves so we don't get hurt again. Shadow Work is a way to safely explore the inner landscape and discover the gold that is hiding in the shadows. It is a way to become more and more who we really are. Shadow Work is a way to face the hurt, the fear, the anger, and learn how to live more fully. Most of all, it is a way to love ourselves for the journeys we have chosen.
The term "shadow" was first used by Carl Jung to describe the repressed or denied part of the Self. Robert Bly
popularised this idea in "A Little Book on the Human Shadow." Bly says that we were each born into a "360-degree personality." As infants we expressed the full breadth of our human nature, without editing or censoring. As we grew up, however, we learned that certain slices of our 360-degree pie were unacceptable to the people around us. Maybe we were shamed for crying or punished for being angry. Maybe we were ridiculed for wanting attention or acting proud of ourselves. So, we learned to repress those slices of our pie; the ones that got us hurt.
According to Bly, it was as if we threw these unacceptable qualities over our shoulder into a bag, which we've been dragging around behind us ever since. In Shadow Work, we define "shadows" as all the parts of ourselves we have stuffed into the bag. These may be "positive" parts or "negative" parts. Our shadows are all those parts we have split off, repressed or denied — the parts of ourselves we are afraid to show. We believe it is proper and useful to have a shadow bag and to keep some shadows in the bag. But when the weight of the bag slows us down and prevents us from being who we really want to be, it is time to open it up. It is time to find a safe place to look into the bag, examine its contents, and see what needs to come back out.
I have a sliding scale based on your ability to pay. The cost is from £70 - £150 per hour. On booking, I ask that you place yourself at the point on this scale that is appropriate for you. Please book in advance, you are unable to book less than 12 hours in advance.
To contact me to enquire
please click here.
“Thanks for your brilliant work. It continues to unfold in my life in strange and mysterious ways.
The image of a depth charge came to me yesterday. A psychic bomb gently floating down into the depths of the ocean and exploding there, without much more than a few ripples on the surface, but the whole ocean has been impacted.”
O. B. Apr 2019
I’m delighted to have my new space the “Woodland Cabin” ready for sessions. Are you ready to step into this space and look at what might be holding you back in life?
For details on upcoming Shadow Work group seminars please see the Events page
“You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.”
Mary Oliver - Wild Geese